On to a new year!

Come at me 2016!

Christmas has come and passed, along with it December, and now we’re headed into a new year. Time has really flown this year, it’s really crazy.


Overall I feel like 2015 was a good year. I made alot of self improvements and have had success in all the areas I wanted to. I feel like I still need to work on my motivation and hours put into work, as I can never be really satisfied with the hours I’m putting in, so I’m hoping to see an improvement there in the coming months. It’s unrealistic to just try and change everything immediately, so a more gradual approach seems best. For January I’m going to aim for 80 hours of play, which for me would be quite good.

I’m not a big fan of doing resolution(s), but I think I’ll bite and make one for this year which hopefully I can track and follow. It’ll be somewhat ambiguous, but basically my goal for this year (1) is to drastically improve my mindset re: my career choice. Basically I want to be taking my job alot more seriously, and to approach it from more of a business standpoint. Additionally I’d like to finally (2) start investing and saving for retirement, as I’m really late to the party on this one at this point. The best time to start is always right now, so getting in on that is essential this year.

Nothing else much to talk about. Santa was very good to me, as he always is, and I had an enjoyable but (too) long break. Excited to get back to work and get back to the routine I’ve become accustomed to.

All for now, best wishes
